The death of «humanitarian message holder» Professor «Elie Wiesel»

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Professor «to Wiesel» Nobel Peace Prize nicknamed «humanitarian message holder» of the survivors of the Holocaust «Achwics» Htlerah and stoves to burn man died on Saturday, July 2 at the age of 87 years in New York. And vow all his life for the defense of human rights

Wiesel was to face global months to defend the victims of «crime against humanity» and stressed in a speech at the International Conference in Paris (May / May 2012) about the attack on Ashraf and massacre the Mujahideen Alocharfian I saw scenes of Ashraf, which was like a nightmare. Why the world was not privy to that? The massacre of women and men are considered a disaster and must Ahzna.
He stressed to Wiesel: Currently, we are all in full solidarity with those who are in Ashraf those who are struggling and working as a human being for freedom and get a free life.   Source: 
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